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School of Discipleship 

Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Those unable to attend can watch services via FaceBook Live, YouTube, or Spotify (Click on Icons Below).

Mission & Vision
The mission of the Prepare the Way International School of Discipleship is to make disciples, equipping the saints for the work of the ministry (Matthew 28:19, Ephesians 4:12).  This mission is accomplished by discipling saints in the Bible, and in the Spirit through the following two schools:

Plumbline School of the Bible
"Fire by Night" Glory School of the Spirit

Meeting Times
The Prepare the Way International School of Discipleship meets on Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM.

Registration & Course Materials
The Prepare the Way International School of Discipleship is FREE and open to the public.  There are no registration fees or costs to attend.  A free-will offering will be received during the Wednesday night meetings.  Some courses will have manuals or syllabi available for purchase at reasonable prices.


The great commission delivered by Jesus before He ascended to heaven states, "Go therefore and make DISCIPLES of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19).  Jesus did not say to "make converts" or "make preachers".  Unfortunately, most formalized study of scripture and methodical equipping of spiritual gifts today is relegated to Bible colleges - which are tailored to train and ordain preachers.

What about the other 99% of the Body of Christ, who do not need a Biblical degree, but do need Biblical discipleship?  The Body of Christ has focused on equipping the 1% that are called to 5-fold ministry (i.e. Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher), but have failed miserably in "equipping the saints for the work of the ministry", which is the primary role of 5-fold ministers (Ephesians 4:11-12).

By now we should have realized that we cannot save and disciple nations from a pulpit.  It's going to take an army of disciples ministering in all venues of culture to reap the harvest of souls that Jesus deserves.


Prepare the Way School of Discipleship seeks to help remediate the Body of Christ's failure in fulfilling Jesus' great commission by developing a school of discipleship that equips the saints for the work of ministry through the four elements of discipleship that Jesus Himself introduced:

INFORMATION:  Students receive Bible School quality teaching that everyday people can understand. (Matthew 5-7)

DEMONSTRATION:  Students are not only just taught the gospel, but also experience live demonstrations of the power of the gospel. (Matthew 8-9)

IMPARTATION:  Students receive live impartations of spiritual gifts from bonafide apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. (Matthew 10:1, Romans 1:11)

ACTIVATION:  Live practical activations that give disciples opportunity to move out in spiritual gifts.  We learn by doing, not by watching. (Matthew 10:7-8)


This four-course Foundation Series is a one-year program designed to produce competent, confident, certified disciples of Christ who earnest practice and defend the faith.

Ephesians 2:20 "Having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone."

DISCIPLESHIP 911 - Critical Doctrines of the Christian Faith
Course 101: Level 1 - THE OX Foundational Certification

CHRIST THE CORNERSTONE - The Words, Works & Ways of Jesus
Course 102: Level 2 - THE MAN Cornerstone Certification

THE APOSTOLIC AGE - A Divine Dispensation of Discipleship & Dominion
Course 103: Level 3 - THE LION Apostolic Certification

PROPHETS & PROPHETIC MINISTRY - Hearing & Declaring God’s Words
Course 104: Level 4 - THE EAGLE Prophetic Certification

Legacy Series discipleship courses are of varying lengths, usually between 3 to 6 weeks. Courses conducted to date include:

Abundant Grace - Walking in Divine Favor & Empowerment
Advanced Prophetic Training
Angel Armies - Engaging the Host of Heaven
Be Made Whole! - Administering Healing to the Body & Soul

Building a House of Prayer
Dimensions of Glory
Doctrine of Baptisms
Doctrine of Laying on of Hands

Ever Increasing Glory
Exceedingly Abundantly Above - The Power that Works in You
Fear Not! - Breaking Intimidation
GOT FREEDOM? - Receive the Gift of Deliverance

GOT HEALING? - Receive the Gift of Wholeness
GOT PROVISION? - Receive the Gift of Abundance
Healing School
Holiness - A Key to the Greater Glory
I Must Decrease - Heart Preparations for Spiritual Awakening
Intimacy with God - Your Kingdom Key to Authority in God

Keys to Igniting & Sustaining Revival Fire
Let My People Go! - Administering Deliverance to the Captives
Leviathan - Conquering the King of Pride
Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Holiness
Moving into AZUSA Glory!

Only Believe - Experiencing Victory through Overcoming Faith
Overcoming Faith - Your Key to Victory in the New Decade
Pulling Down Strongholds in the Church
Rebuilding Arizona's Prophetic Foundation

Releasing the Healing Anointing
Revival Glory School
Reviving the Spirit of the Humble
Righteousness Exalts a Nation

School of Awakening Prayer
School of Deliverance
School of Evangelism
School of the Holy Spirit

Signs, Wonders & Miracles - A Divine Dispensation in the New Decade
Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare

That None Should Perish
The Apostolic Age

The Commanded Blessing
The Consecrated Bride - Preparing the Remnant Church for Her King
The Courts of Heaven
The Costly Anointing
The Feasts of the Lord

The Glory of the Lord Filled the Temple
The Kingdom, The Power & The Glory

The Power of the Blood of Jesus
The Power of the Secret Place
The Precious Blood of the Lamb
The Presence Driven Church
To Him Who Overcomes - Reaping the Rewards of Victorious Faith

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Glory
Wholly Holy!

The Prepare the Way International School of Discipleship's instructors consist of Prepare the Way's senior pastors as well as ministers throughout Greater Phoenix, Arizona, and abroad including:

Robert Henderson - Global Reformers/GPEC
Beverley Watkins - Beverley Watkins Ministries
Robert Hotchkin - Men on the Frontlines
Beverly McIntyre - Change Point, Inc.
Marie Mosley - Glory House International Church
Kim Owens - Fresh Start Church
Ruth Carneal
Anita Scott - Kingdom Impact Global Worship Center
Timothy Johnson Jr. - Where the Eagles Fly
David Herzog - The Glory Zone
Elizabeth Tiam-Fook - International Young Prophets

Ben & Jodie Hughes - Pour It Out Ministries
Katie Souza - Katie Souza Ministries
Saeed Hosseini - Global 365 Prayer Network
Jack Zimmerman - Jewish Voice Ministries
Greg Brown - Ascend International University

Kevin Zadai - Warrior Notes
Gus Korkotselos - Fire & Water International Church
Francis Ovienmhada - Sun of Righteousness Ministries
Dennis Reanier - Revival Cry Ministries
Velma Rosemond-Clopton - Velma Rosemond-Clopton Ministries
Alan & Becky Greenstreet - Ignited Prayer Center
LaNora Morin - FountainGate Ministries International
Guy & Rebekah Gorman - Tribe of Judah Ministries
Rick Casto - Teen Challenge
Tony Kemp - Tony Kemp Ministries

Rob & Kay Winters - Prepare the Way International Church

While the Prepare the Way International School of Discipleship is not accredited, we are authorized by the state of Arizona to ordain ministers whom we believe are called and being commissioned to the office of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher in accordance with Ephesians 4:11.  We have found the many Christians are most interested in receiving profound revelation, witnessing authentic demonstrations of God's power, receiving an impartation of spiritual gifts and being activated in practical ministry.

Participants' Comments:

"My life changed in 2006 after a prophecy from Rob Winters. It was dramatic - from darkness to light!"   Donna Oder

"Your prophecy ministered to us greatly and gave us hope and confirmation where we are going. Thank you."
Pastors Saeed & Cynthia Hosseini
Prayer Pastors, Phoenix First Assembly

"I am floored to have learned from you things that have illuminated my understanding of what I have said, heard and seen and experienced during my life with Jesus Christ. Thank you! The prophetic word I received on tape from both of you was like a light turned on, crooked paths being made straight, a direct instruction from the Lord, a puzzle put together that I had struggled over and left undone. The prophecy seemed to go past my emotions and connected to a deeper part, my spirit man. I have great hope of the Holy Spirit's guidance and power in my life for all the rest of my life."    Jane Taylor

"My prophetic word was one of the best I've ever heard and received."
Carl Wilkerson

"I really enjoyed the teaching! The Winters are an anointed and powerful couple."   Alicia Tucker

"I cannot thank you enough. It's exactly what I needed."   Diona Williams

"I received a very inspirational prophetic word. I thank the prophet for unveiling those revelations to me. I would like to attend another prophetic training taught by the Winters."   LaQuinta Pugh

"Every word that Rob Winters has prophesied to me over the years has come to pass."   Sharon Simmons

Making Straight in the Desert a Highway for Our God

Prepare the Way International Church
18777 N. 32nd Street
Phoenix, AZ  85050

Phone: (602) 953-4692


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